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Staf's AntiRecords

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These are stats that, frankly, could use some help.

Game Level Category Division Order Desc Stat Players Date
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Score Mission 21 1,201 17 03-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Score Mission 20 1,386 17 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 20 1:03:65 25 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 12 52 13 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Time Mission 12 0:28:80 18 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Score Mission 12 816 15 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Score Mission 12 351 14 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 12 64 12 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 12 384 16 03-07-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 12 84 18 03-06-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 12 0:07:16 21 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 10 228 16 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 10 644 14 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 10 654 15 03-06-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Time Mission 10 0:46:31 22 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 8 0:41:48 15 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 8 105 13 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Time Mission 8 0:38:23 17 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 8 33 14 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 8 352 16 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Time Mission 8 0:53:88 23 03-06-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Score Mission 7 30 15 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 7 29 16 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 7 0:46:45 22 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 7 1,297 16 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Time Mission 7 1:17:90 25 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Score Mission 7 1,287 18 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 6 189 19 03-06-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Time Mission 6 1:06:01 24 03-05-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cannon's Core Score Mission 5 27,280 83 07-16-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Final Chase Time Mission 5 6:06:34 141 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Final Chase Score Mission 5 10,200 88 07-22-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) White Jungle Time Mission 5 3:37:60 156 07-11-05
Sonic 2 Special Stage 4 Special Sonic & Tails 152 24 06-08-06
Sonic 2 Special Stage 2 Special Sonic & Tails 153 28 06-08-06
Sonic 2 Special Stage 1 Special Sonic & Tails 168 41 05-20-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Radical Highway Rings Mission 5 44 106 07-22-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Iron Gate Score Mission 5 20,040 106 07-16-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Eternal Engine Time Mission 5 6:37:14 131 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Rings Mission 5 2 86 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Time Mission 5 4:36:17 144 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Score Mission 5 12,360 95 07-16-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Time Mission 5 3:58:37 142 08-02-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Rings Mission 5 4 93 08-02-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Aquatic Mine Rings Mission 5 7 98 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mission Street Rings Mission 5 2 100 08-02-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Time Mission 5 1:58:80 22 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Score Mission 5 777 17 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Time Mission 5 0:58:51 24 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Time Mission 5 0:15:63 27 03-05-07
Sonic 2 Special Stage 6 Special 1 Character 199 29 05-24-06
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 1 Score Blaze 106,000 29 10-02-07
Sonic 2 Special Stage 5 Special 1 Character 160 30 05-24-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 4 0:52:00 17 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 4 162 16 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Time Mission 4 0:29:20 22 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Time Mission 4 0:38:48 24 03-05-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Finalhazard Boss Last 2:43:75 101 08-06-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Final Chase Time Mission 3 5:06:85 148 07-22-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Sky Rail Time Mission 3 1:06:72 170 07-22-06
Sonic Rush Adventure Hidden Island 1 Score Sonic 100,000 39 10-02-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Radical Highway Time Mission 3 2:20:47 185 07-22-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Iron Gate Time Mission 3 1:59:44 153 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Time Mission 3 2:31:05 153 02-08-12
Sonic Adventure (DX) 3 Lap Race Knuckles 1:55:27 101 01-02-07
Sonic Battle Emerl Score Level 3 280,220 34 08-18-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 3 44 17 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 3 430 16 03-05-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Metal Harbor Time Mission 3 0:49:94 236 07-11-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 3 756 17 03-06-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Prison Lane Time Mission 3 1:58:57 175 07-11-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Score Mission 3 248 19 03-05-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Sonic 1 Boss Dark 0:19:90 110 02-08-12
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) 3 Lap Race Standard 2:38:95 87 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Route 280 Time Mission 2 1:48:40 161 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) White Jungle Time Mission 2 1:22:77 180 07-11-05
Sonic Rush Dead Line 2 Score Blaze 48,492 51 12-03-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Radical Highway Time Mission 2 1:09:22 200 07-22-06
Sonic Rush Dead Line 1 Score Blaze 52,340 52 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Wing Fortress Time Knuckles 2:50 49 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Wing Fortress Rings Knuckles 1 32 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Sky Chase Score Knuckles 5,900 28 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Metropolis 3 Time Knuckles 4:33 47 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Metropolis 3 Score Knuckles 2,000 27 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Metropolis 2 Score Knuckles 2,100 35 05-20-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Final Rush Time Mission 2 1:53:87 174 02-08-12
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit 1 Score Blaze 76,030 54 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Metropolis 2 Time Knuckles 3:06 62 12-29-06
Sonic 2 Metropolis 1 Score Knuckles 1,700 31 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Metropolis 1 Rings Knuckles 6 36 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 2 Rings Knuckles 11 33 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 2 Score Knuckles 4,600 28 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 2 Time Knuckles 2:33 52 05-20-06
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis 1 Score Blaze 40,390 52 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 1 Score Knuckles 5,100 33 05-20-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Time Mission 2 3:18:34 141 02-08-12
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 2 Score Knuckles 4,300 33 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 2 Time Knuckles 1:56 63 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Score Knuckles 8,000 34 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Time Knuckles 1:23 64 05-20-06
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Rings Knuckles 39 43 05-20-06
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 2 Score Blaze 40,461 54 12-03-05
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 1 Score Blaze 61,010 55 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Hill Top 1 Rings Knuckles 1 49 05-13-06
Sonic 2 Hill Top 1 Time Knuckles 1:33 71 05-13-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 2 300 19 03-05-07
Sonic 2 Casino Night 2 Time Knuckles 2:26 67 05-13-06
Sonic Rush Mirage Road 2 Score Blaze 72,610 58 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Casino Night 1 Time Knuckles 2:02 70 05-13-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Score Mission 2 994 17 03-06-07
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 2 Time Knuckles 1:36 72 12-29-06
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 1 Score Knuckles 1,200 41 05-13-06
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 1 Time Knuckles 0:58 80 05-13-06
Sonic Rush Water Palace 2 Score Blaze 51,440 55 12-03-05
Sonic Rush Water Palace 1 Score Blaze 53,026 57 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Chemical Plant 2 Score Knuckles 1,200 44 05-13-06
Sonic 2 Chemical Plant 2 Time Knuckles 2:09 78 12-29-06
Sonic 2 Chemical Plant 1 Time Knuckles 1:01 90 05-12-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 2 1,248 17 03-06-07
Sonic Adventure (DX) Windy Valley Score Tails 4,720 117 01-02-07
Sonic 2 Emerald Hill 2 Rings Knuckles 15 63 05-12-06
Sonic Adventure (DX) Windy Valley Time Tails 1:17:15 216 01-02-07
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 2 Score Blaze 59,800 58 12-03-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Score Mission 2 331 19 03-05-07
Sonic 2 Emerald Hill 1 Score Knuckles 14,500 63 12-29-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) 3 Lap Race Beginner 2:08:83 104 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Green Hill Time Mission 1 0:56:02 143 08-02-06
Sonic Adventure (DX) Icecap Subgame Score Sonic 6,380 94 01-02-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mad Space Rings Mission 1 14 106 07-11-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Security Hall Time Mission 1 3:01:49 182 07-11-05
Sonic Rush Exception Boss Sonic 7:27:48 27 05-03-06
Sonic Rush Unknown Boss Sonic 4:39:05 28 12-03-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Time Mission 1 4:14:70 176 07-11-05
Sonic Rush Dead Line 2 Score Sonic 41,895 58 12-03-05
Sonic Rush Dead Line 1 Score Sonic 41,634 57 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Sky Chase Score Sonic 7,100 41 05-12-06
Sonic 2 Metropolis 3 Time Sonic 4:20 84 05-12-06
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit 2 Score Sonic 52,083 60 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Metropolis 2 Time Sonic 2:54 101 05-12-06
Sonic Rush Altitude Limit 1 Score Sonic 70,220 61 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Metropolis 2 Rings Sonic 5 39 05-12-06
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis 2 Score Sonic 60,570 61 12-03-05
Sonic Rush Huge Crisis 1 Score Sonic 51,853 64 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 1 Time Sonic 2:37 99 05-12-06
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Eternal Engine Time Mission 1 7:01:74 201 07-11-05
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 2 Time Sonic 1:48 104 05-12-06
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Time Sonic 1:23 114 05-12-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Ifrit Golem Boss Boss 2:50:01 25 03-05-07
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 2 Score Sonic 26,694 61 12-03-05
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 2 Time Sonic 3:45:72 49 01-01-06
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 1 Score Sonic 51,290 62 12-03-05
Sonic Rush Night Carnival 1 Time Sonic 2:44:69 70 11-25-05
Sonic Battle Chaos Score Level 1 120,989 26 09-04-06
Sonic 2 Hill Top 1 Rings Sonic 12 63 05-12-06
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 1 4:38:68 27 03-05-07
Sonic Rush Mirage Road 2 Score Sonic 61,010 61 12-03-05
Sonic 1 Spring Yard 1 Time Sonic 1:58 137 01-06-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mission Street Rings Mission 1 10 137 07-11-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Time Mission 1 5:07:50 22 03-06-07
Sonic 2 Casino Night 1 Time Sonic 1:41 124 05-12-06
Sonic Rush Mirage Road 1 Score Sonic 62,776 66 12-03-05
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Mission Street Time Mission 1 4:04:14 218 07-11-05
Sonic 1 Marble 3 Time Sonic 3:30 130 01-06-07
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 2 Time Sonic 1:56 132 05-12-06
Sonic 1 Marble 3 Score Sonic 3,500 66 01-06-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Time Mission 1 5:07:56 24 03-05-07
Sonic 1 Marble 2 Rings Sonic 6 125 01-06-07
Sonic Rush Water Palace 2 Time Sonic 3:06:32 63 11-25-05
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 1 Time Sonic 0:53 147 05-12-06
Sonic Rush Water Palace 2 Score Sonic 51,133 63 12-03-05
Sonic 1 Marble 2 Score Sonic 9,010 82 01-06-07
Sonic 1 Marble 2 Time Sonic 2:34 162 01-06-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Metal Harbor Score Mission 1 15,800 165 07-16-05
Sonic Rush Water Palace 1 Time Sonic 2:38:89 87 11-25-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Time Mission 1 4:13:55 22 03-05-07
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Metal Harbor Time Mission 1 1:55:52 301 07-11-05
Sonic Rush Water Palace 1 Score Sonic 53,673 70 12-03-05
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 1 3:29:99 24 03-05-07
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 1 592 19 03-05-07
Sonic Generations 3DS Casino Night Time Classic 1:28:77 46 03-31-14
Sonic 1 Green Hill 3 Time Sonic 1:17 203 01-06-07
Sonic 1 Green Hill 3 Rings Sonic 34 133 01-06-07
Sonic 2 Emerald Hill 2 Score Sonic 1,400 69 05-24-06
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 2 Score Sonic 74,020 70 12-03-05
Sonic 2 Emerald Hill 2 Rings Sonic 16 88 05-24-06
Sonic Rush Leaf Storm 2 Time Sonic 1:47:06 94 09-08-07
Sonic Adventure (DX) Emerald Coast Rings Sonic 200 166 01-02-07

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Player ID: 608
Hits: 5,484 | Hits This Month: 35 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 945.55 KB | Time: 0.08s | Printable

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